Recognizing The Signs Of Elder Abuse And What You Can Do About It
Elder abuse is tragic, and unfortunately all too common. Elder abuse is often at the hands of a caretaker or relative, and can take many forms, including physical, mental, financial or even sexual abuse.
Pay Attention To The Signs
In cases of elder abuse or neglect, paying attention to clear physical warning signs such as bruises and injuries is the most straightforward way to detect abuse. However, there are many other signs that could potentially mean that elder abuse is occurring. Too often, elders are victims of financial abuse, which occurs when another person or entity takes or assists in taking property or finances without consent.
Some clear warning signs of financial abuse include:
- Inappropriate banking activity, including large withdrawals of funds
- Signatures on checks and other documents that do not resemble the elder’s
- Checks which are signed by the elder but written by another person
- Unusual contributions to third parties
- Large loans against home equity to finance investments
- Expensive gifts from the elder to another person
- Under use of finances that could be spent on the elder’s personal care
- Over interest in the elder’s finances by caretakers or other family members
What To Do
If you suspect that a family member or loved one is the victim of elder abuse, you can take steps to further investigate and take action. Often, the most practical options involve contacting Adult Protective Services (APS) to establish a strategy for ending the abuse. However, you may also have legal options at your disposal, including establishing conservatorships or pursuing litigation.
Contacting a lawyer with experience in both the elder abuse legal field and litigation can help you assess your options and figure out the fastest way to help your loved one get the care and safety they need. At Kleinschmidt Law, we seek to provide clients with an honest evaluation of their case, and we apply a decade of experience in litigation to help clients find the resolution they seek.
Reach Out Now
For more information on what your options are following the discovery of elder abuse, particularly in the San Diego, California area, contact attorney Jami Kleinschmidt for a free consultation at 619-567-7812 or visit our contact page set up an appointment during the office hours of 8:00 – 6:00.